Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cancel Tests for Beibs

   Seven schools in Norway pushed their midterms back as to not interfere with any Justin Beiber concerts.  If my Chinese test couldn't be pushed back two days a year and a half ago so I could go to Uproar, by no means should anything be cancelled for a JB concert.


  1. This is absolutely ridiculous. School really shouldn't be pushed because of concerts...especially for someone like JB. Can we even consider his songs music?

  2. I love the little drawing-it fits this perfectly.

  3. I have to comment on this one because it still makes me so mad. I just don't understand.

    And wouldn't the little girls from Norway want to go to school and show off their new Justin Beiber T-shirts they got at the concert?

    So frustrating.

  4. I don't see the problem with this. The Biebs needs love. ALL the love!
